If you come to counseling, I offer you a safe place, free of expectations and judgments where you can explore any issues you are dealing with.
Perhaps you're feeling stuck and don’t know what to do? Maybe there's an issue with your job, your children, your partner, or another relationship that's important to you. Or maybe you're trying to deal with a problem that feels like it has a root cause in your past, or with high anxiety about the future.
By exploring these issues with a counselor, you can develop greater self-awareness, learn to identify unhelpful underlying beliefs and behavior patterns, and discover new strategies that help you communicate and cope better.
With time you are likely to notice improvements, but there is no fixed period of "treatment". You can come to counseling as a one-off intervention for a particular issue (e.g. to prepare for a difficult conversation), or on a regular basis, over a longer period of time, to work on bigger issues.
As a counselor, I specialize in helping people with issues related to:
communication (family and workplace-related)
relationships / marriage counseling
improving self-care and building resilience
anger management
Mental health issues can have a range of causes. Sometimes they are bio-chemical and can require medication, sometimes they are triggered by our surroundings and show us we need to change how or where we live our lives. Other times, the issues we face are linked to unhelpful ways we have of thinking about the past, present, and future.
While in some forms of psychotherapy it's usual to work together to understand the root causes of an issue you may be facing, many people prefer to focus on finding constructive ways to move forward. This often involves learning to regulate your emotions, deal with frustrations and conflicts more constructively, and improve personal resilience and self-esteem, among other things.
As an integrative therapist, I find a flexible approach helpful - we are all unique and our individual problems tend to require individual solutions. Either way, these processes require the direct support of a mental health professional - at least for a while.
If you would like to find out more, contact me for a free 20 min telephone or Skype consultation. We can discuss your situation, and see what options are likely to be helpful.
Fees & payment
I run a private practice and do not work with the "gesetzliche Krankenkassen". Some private and supplementary insurance policies will cover part a proportion of the fees. To be sure you will need to contact them directly.
​Individual psychotherapy:
EUR 120,- @ 50 minutes (online / Schmitten)
EUR 130,- @ 50 minutes (Frankfurt)
​Payments can be made in cash, bank transfer.
Important information to note if you want your private insurance to cover the costs:
Many private and supplementary health insurance policies require a"Konsilliarbericht" (doctor's report) from your family practitioner before they agree to cover any treatment costs.
Why do I need a "Konsilliarbericht" (doctor's report)?
A Konsilliarbericht is important because many psychological difficulties can be caused by medical issues. As care of duty towards our clients, mental health professionals in Germany such as Psychotherapeuten and Heilpraktiker für Psychotherapie are required to ask clients for this doctor's report in order to ensure the treatment we provide is appropriate.
How does the psychotherapy process work?
Under German law, no particular formalities are required before the end of the first 5 sessions (so-called Probatorischen Sitzungen). This period gives you the chance to get to know me and how I work, and to decide if you feel we are a good fit. It also gives us time to look more deeply into your personal situation and discuss possible courses of treatment.
Afterward, you will need to get the "Konsilliarbericht" (doctor's report) mentioned above from your family practitioner. This provides a formal medical diagnosis (e.g. depression or anxiety) and confirms there are no contraindications (medical reasons why you should not begin psychotherapy). ​
​​Cancellations policy
I understand there may be circumstances where you are unable to attend an arranged session. If you do need to cancel please remember the following:
Sessions can be canceled by phone or email.
Sessions canceled with more than 72 business hours notice will not be charged.
Sessions canceled with less than 72 business hours notice will be charged at the normal fee.
Life & Business Coaching
The coaching process
Coaching is about making concrete and measurable progress on a set of goals you want to pursue. While it often involves deep self-reflection, coaching is not the same thing as psychotherapy or counseling.
As your coach, I will help you get clear on what your goals are, why you want to reach them, and what steps you need to take to get there. But if you already know what it is you need or want to do, we can also start from there.
Once your direction is clear, we break the journey down into manageable steps and identify the resources you are likely to need for a successful outcome. At regular intervals, we check your progress and make sure you're on track. Together we celebrate the successes, make any necessary adjustments to prepare for the next stage, and ensure you have everything you need to move forward.
Throughout the process, I hold you accountable for your progress and help you overcome any hurdles that come your way. My role is to encourage and facilitate, provide constructive, open feedback, and to help you stay on track.
​Our coaching relationship is a confidential space. It's a place to go when you need an outside perspective, room to reflect, or a non-judgmental environment to discuss your personal and professional questions and concerns. For many clients, coaching offers a place they can go to figure out what path to take when things aren't clear.
​So, if there is something you need to get better at, a challenge or decision you are struggling with, or if you simply need that space to reflect on your next step, contact me to arrange a coaching session.
​Fees & Payment (Online / Schmitten)
Private individuals: EUR 165,- / 60 mins. + 19% tax
Corporate rates: EUR 225,- / 60 mins + 19% tax
Fees & Payment (Frankfurt)
Private individuals: EUR 185,- / 60 mins. + 19% tax
Corporate rates: EUR 245,- / 60 mins + 19% tax
Coaching and supervision fees can often be deducted from your annual tax return. Under German law, these services do not qualify as "heilkundliche Tätigkeit" (health treatments) and are therefore subject to local tax (Mehrwertsteuer).
Payments can be made in cash, bank transfer.
I understand there may be circumstances where you are unable to attend an arranged session. If you do need to cancel please remember the following:
Sessions can be canceled by phone or email.
Sessions canceled with more than 72 business hours notice will not be charged.
Sessions canceled with less than 72 business hours notice will be charged at the normal fee.

Working with Lyra helped me to believe in myself again. At one point I thought I'd never find a way through my problems, but looking back I see how the way I used to think about stuff was a big part of the problem. Sometimes the old patterns come back, but now I can recognize them and act before it gets bad again.
A. J. Frankfurt
"My relationship with my family has improved. Now I understand the negative communication traps we used to fall into and I'm way better at avoiding them these days. I've learned to say what I want, and what I need in a way I feel comfortable with. It's really made a difference to our family life. Thank you!"
D.B., London
"Great intuition! Always supportive and encouraging. I always had an increase of energy level after my sessions, which very often lasted the whole day. I feel that you can hear over the phone how people feel. I always felt that you were with me and that the time was just for me. It was a great feeling. THANK YOU!"
T. M., Taunus